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SimRoom: Interactive-Immersive Room

Italian Version

SimRoom - Sala Immersiva Interattiva | Centro di Simulazione Medica Avanzata | Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e Biologiche

The Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences has been awarded a grant from the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino for the implementation of the project "SimRoom - Medical simulation as an innovative tool to improve teaching performance in the health professions" under the "Ordinary Disbursements 2021" Call for Proposals

Principal Investigator: Savino Sciascia

Project Team: David Lembo, Piero Paccotti, Dario Roccatello, Gabriella Leonarduzzi, Giuseppe Reimondo, Daniele Mancardi, Roberta Fenoglio, Simone Baldovino, Massimo Radin. AOU "San Luigi Gonzaga" of Orbassano (TO) and ASL "City of Turin" are also project partners.

Duration: 10/12/2021-10/06/2024

Amount awarded: €27,000

"Primum non nocere". In the health professions, the risk of error must be minimized to ensure patient safety. The simulation aims to create an "artificial experience" that can provide future hospital workers with adequate cognitive tools to deal with situations that may be rarely encountered in hospital environments or that may present a risk to the patient.

The focus of the project is to evaluate the impact of simulation on the learning of technical-manual skills of the students involved in an ad hoc study, comparing innovative training methods with conventional learning approaches (frontal lecture or internship), through the use of validated scales that measure the impact of medical simulation as a fully interactive "training" system, based on the use of innovative training media, set in the context of a clinical scenario.

Should the results be promising, in the academic years following the completion of the project, simulation activities may be an integral part of the educational offerings of degree programs.


9 febbraio 2024: inaugurazione della Sala Immersiva del Centro di Simulazione Medica Avanzata del Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e Biologiche

The new interactive immersive room, integrated into the Advanced Medical Simulation Center of the Teaching Center San Luigi Gonzaga, is a space where technology, creativity, and educational innovation synergize to create an unprecedented multisensory environment. The walls are transformed into touchscreen surfaces, the Rumble Floor generates vibrations, and machines for wind, smoke, and odors enhance the learning experience, making it highly emotional.

In this context, students and healthcare professionals will have the opportunity to train in realistic scenarios such as a virtual hospital environment, alpine rescue, the scene of a car accident, or a mass emergency. They can thus confront delicate medical situations, acquiring and refining practical skills without jeopardizing the safety of real patients or operators.

The strategic collaboration between the Medicine and Surgery Degree Program and the San Luigi Gonzaga University Hospital has led to the formation of a team of experts capable of designing and implementing immersive educational scenarios. These scenarios, by further enhancing the training and updating of doctors and nurses, will contribute to increasing safety in the healthcare field and reducing clinical risk.


Last update: 28/02/2024 13:22
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