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MedSim - Center for Advanced Medical Simulation

Italian Version

MedSim - Center for Advanced Medical Simulation | Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences

Since 2020, at the San Luigi Gonzaga University Seat, the Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, together with the Department of Oncology and the AOU 'San Luigi Gonzaga' of Orbassano (TO), has been running the MedSim - Centre for Advanced Medical Simulation, for the development of innovative teaching activities focused on medical simulation.

Below are some insight links into the Centre and its activities:

For information:

Through a significant contribution from the Compagnia di SanPaolo Foundation, the MedSim has been equipped with:

  • Three classrooms with simulation systems of excellence, including state-of-the-art virtual simulators for arthroscopy and laparoscopy, for acquiring and perfecting minimally invasive surgical techniques, and mannequins with high technological complexity, which recreate the adult and paediatric patient. Some of the manoeuvres learnt include: performing EGAs, chest, abdomen, cardiology and electrocardiography semeiotics.
  • A classroom set up as a critical area ward, to practise the execution of simulated medical procedures in high fidelity, managed and monitored by a control room connected by one-way glass and by cameras and environmental audio systems.
  • A plenary meeting room for planning and reviewing activities performed in simulation.

One of the Centre's spaces is dedicated to the most advanced anatomical table for virtual dissection of the human body. This touch-screen instrument for the study of human anatomy allows for greater interaction than any other traditional dissection system currently available.

MedSim, San Luigi Center | Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e Biologiche


Simulation Room | Centro di Simulazione Medica Avanzata | Dipartimento di Scienze cliniche e biologiche
Skill Training Room 1 | Centro di Simulazione Medica Avanzata | Dipartimento di Scienze cliniche e biologiche
Skill Training Room 3 | Centro di Simulazione Medica Avanzata | Dipartimento di Scienze cliniche e biologiche
Skill Training Room 5 | Centro di Simulazione Medica Avanzata | Dipartimento di Scienze cliniche e biologiche
Anatomage Room | Centro di Simulazione Medica Avanzata | Dipartimento di Scienze cliniche e biologiche
Microscopy Room | Centro di Simulazione Medica Avanzata | Dipartimento di Scienze cliniche e biologiche

The aim of the Center is not to replace the practice derived from direct contact with the patient, but to allow learners to learn, without violating the patient's right to privacy, some of the most common maneuvers for performing medical, surgical or nursing acts according to international guidelines.

The Center is dedicated not only to students on the international degree course in Medicine and Surgery from 33 different countries, but also to those on the University of Turin's Health Degrees and Specialization Schools.

"The University thus confirms its strong vocation for educational innovation and meets the expectations of all those involved in the healthcare training process: students and teachers, the community and the hospital"Rector Stefano Geuna


Last update: 04/03/2024 13:18
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